Psychological Psychology: Forrest Gump: Developmental Psychology

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Forrest Gump
Jacourtney Jefferson
Developmental Psychology
Derek Dobson

Forrest took on many tasks, some that many people thought he may not be able to complete because of his mental disability. There are lots of hardships, love and happiness. The obstacles that he faced goes with his motto: his mom always said "Life is like a box of chocolates, you never know what you're going to get". He also always accepted things and people how they came and including himself. Forrest see the things in life like “Stupid is what stupid does”. (Forrest)
Forrest was born to Sally Field in Alabama. His mother call him stupid and often tell him “Stupid is what stupid does”. As a child Forrest meets a girl named Jenny who becomes his best friend someone who actually helps him to get through his childhood. He is also there for Jenny when she needs a shoulder to cry on. Forrest also faces several obstacles, he had to wear leg braces and he was also below average in school. Forrest was picked on and bullied at school by other children. To the point one day on his way home from school some ...

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