Why High School Should Be Punished

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Do you really want to punish a whole group of people for what one or two people repeatedly keep doing? I hope that you are shaking your head right now because what kind of thinking would make some people choose to punish all for what a couple people repeatedly do. I question whether the school punishing system favors certain kids based on their family or other reasons. For example, I remember once in fifth grade when we were playing basketball. Someone had stolen the ball from somebody, this person did not take lightly to getting the ball stolen from them. He grabbed the person who stole the ball by his hood and threw him to the ground. The punishment was: no one can play basketball during recess anymore, also the kid who got everyone in this mess did not suffer any further punishment. I also remember a very similar situation later in the same year, this time regarding soccer. The same certain kid got the ball stolen from and got angry. He tried to tackle the kid who stole the ball and kick him. The punishment for this was: soccer being taken away for …show more content…

The same kid, now in seventh grade, got into a fight with a fellow seventh grader during soccer. The result of this was mixed grades can not play sports together anymore. Just wait it gets even better. When attempting to pursue the situation and figure out the logic for their decision, the principal and vice principal said that they did not want us eighth graders to make to situation worse. Remind me what we did in the first place. Now, some days we don't have enough people to play soccer because the seventh graders made up the majority of the teams before. Sometimes there is only three or four kids playing, not ideal for a fun game of soccer. They do not even let us use the same ball as other kids, so sometimes when the balls are flat, which happens a lot more than you might think, we do not have a ball because there are not

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