Pros And Cons Of Pitching Hitting And Fielding

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1) Magic, according to George Gmelch consists of doing the same routine, minute by minute. He does this to always succeed and have the joy of winning. He believes if he changes anything or alters plans in any way he won’t have the same success. Most professional ballplayers view playing baseball as their occupation, livelihood and they just want to play well. In order for these ballplayers to succeed they must play well.
2) Pitching, hitting, and fielding are key parts in baseball magic. It’s mostly a game of chance with pitching and hitting. A pitcher may have it in the ball pen, but when out in the field; he may lose his concentration and not throw well. Hitting the baseball takes great skill and sometimes luck. One can hit the ball for a home run or an opposing glove. Fielding is all about the fellow teammates on how well they play in the outfield, …show more content…

Whether it be not eating a certain food on game day, heaping over a base path never stepping on the white foul lines. Rituals are personal where as not performed by the team. A certain activity like eating a certain food, dressing a certain way on game day and driving the same route to the ball park, marked by a good performance. Many rituals for people in everyday life would be waking up at the same time, having their morning coffee, putting on their clothes in the same order, leaving for work at the same time, using the same route to work, going about their day the same way. A fetish is an obsession over an object that is believed to have magical powers that contain good luck. People use charms, coins, a necklace with a cross, the bible, medals, and even rabbits feet. It could be a found object that coincides with his good luck. Athletes use certain numbers on their uniforms also for good luck. Sometimes it’s even the player’s dog hair that they clip and take with them while

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