Pros And Cons Of Maplecraft

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You should choose me over any other applicants because I have been playing MapleCraft for awhile and have put major hours to this server. I have experienced the bad and the good and know how to deal with certain situations. I also have some past faction members on the staff team and we get along really well. I am a GET IT DONE person. I will always finish a job or duty. I will get lots done for the server, in my opinion! Another reason you should choose me over other applicants is because I know a lot of commands like /mute /tempmute /kick /tempban and I also know how to SS (Screen share). I know the basics to catch a hacker. For example, when the person is getting like 0 KB or the players head is spinning a lot which means he has aura. I have caught many hackers before on Maple and I hope to catch even more. I will do my part in keeping the server nontoxic. …show more content…

What I said in #9 about my work ethic also carries over to here because other applicants probably don't put as much time as I do on the

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