Pros And Cons Of Drug Testing In School

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Middle schools are now sending permission slips for parent to allow their child to take a drug test before they can partake in any activity. Any activity such as scrapbooking or photography shouldn’t involve a test stating that students are drug free. The whole twelve to thirteen year olds being drugs tested controversy has started an uproar in parents. Parents understand that athletes have to be tested to prove they aren’t taking any dope but cannot wrap around their heads of their children having too in order to join a club. Middler schoolers should not be allowed to perform a drug test before partaking in any school event because it is not sports related. Many schools around the United States have conducted drug tests. States like …show more content…

The reason why drug testings cons overweight the pros is because first, the students live in fear. School staffs are also in fear as well however, they are in fear that their students are using drugs at a younger age. A majority of middle school students do not take drugs. They are in the process of molding themselves. Why chase them down to take a drug test that will not be positive? The more we run after from them, the more trust we lose. Students will keep things to themselves instead of telling a teacher. Children should be learning about self dignity, confidence, as well as esteem. From experience, there are way more important things going on in a 12 year olds mind then taking an illegal substance. For example, if a student is bullied or has a traumatizing experience in school they will close up their feelings, therefore, keeping their feelings bottled up can lead to taking illegal substances or thoughts of suicide. Another reason why drug testing has cons is because according to a blogspot by dr.wilda listing the pros and cons of drug testing in schools, the author states that no matter a student can state their innocence, schools abuse their power and force them to take a drug test anyway (Wilda, Dr.). Giving adults to power can lead to things that can go wrong for example, issues with the parents or issues with the …show more content…

For example, noticing low self esteem, or noticing that the student has a lack of communication with their parents. Parents must be aware of their child’s behavior, grades, and possibly what they text their friends. Some signs that needs to go noticed when noticing if children are taking drugs. The sudden loss of money in a wallet, using excessive mints, missing medications, and much more. If a child has a negative impact towards everything such a grade, clubs, even towards people, then the conclusion of that child using drugs is true. If not helped correctly, this can lead to an addiction. An addiction can lead to jail, death, treatment, or a trip to the Dr. Phil

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