Projec Paintings: A Case Study

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Ever since she was a young girl, she got frustrated with things she didn’t understand right away. She sat at the kitchen table doing homework with her mother, when her mom got up to get the little girl a snack, the little girl threw all her papers on the floor and yelled out of frustration. Nothing has changed, and the little girl is in college now. This project is meant to boost patients, decrease frustration, and relieve stress by simply painting or drawing. Most college students don’t know how to control their frustration and can get stressed very easy over a simple test that night be coming up soon. If they practice becoming patient, and focusing their minds on other things, then this transition in college will be easily accomplished. In order for someone to boost their patients, they need to practice it. Patients takes practice. Patients is important as a college student because you are always learning new things, and interacting with peers. In order to become good at something or a subject, it needs to be practiced until the person is good at it. This will be a process that will need patients because no one can get the hang of everything right away. This …show more content…

Painting can decrease frustration as well. Whenever frustration occurs, turn the attention to something else. In this case, the attention can turn to painting. Painting increases tranquility and helps ease the mind from irritation. When a student gets frustrated with a subject or task, they usually get angry. Before that happens, they need to take a break from whatever they are working on and paint, or draw something. Give the mind a rest and don’t think about the object that causes frustration. In the article, “Great ways to Vent Your Frustrations”, they state that the sixth way would be to create art. This is proving that if frustration within homework or anything else occurs, them a brake to create some art or paint will help decrease

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