Progressive Dispensationalism

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Dispensationalism developed as a system by emphasizing the means that God used to show His promise and grace to human beings throughout different times. It is through seven dispensations of time that God administers differing test to determine man’s obedience. Darrell Bock and Craig Blaising states, “The term dispensationalism comes from the word dispensation which refers to a distinctive way in which God manages or arranges the relationship of human beings to Himself.”
From its inception, dispensationalism focused on God’s covenantal relationship with man throughout Israel’s history. Relationship is the most important aspect of dispensationalism between God and the world. It centers on Israel’s future, salvation, and restoration as a nation …show more content…

It is in harmony with the classical dispensationalist view, which focuses on the redemptive work of Christ with humanity. However, progressive dispensationalism does not see a separation between the heavenly and earthly promises. It is a continuation of the covenants already made by God to Israel. With Israel being the true remnant, but Christ connects the dispensation promised to Abraham to the new covenant of salvation. It is through Jesus’ redemptive work that Gentiles are grafted in (Rom. 11:17) and became the church giving all full access to the …show more content…

“God will save humankind in its ethnic and national purity, but he will bless it with the same salvation given to all without distinction.” It is through this approach that the dispensation bridge is connected. Further, the Law and the covenants of the Old Testament remains important and is not replaced by the new dispensation. With each new dispensation, God renews his promise with man. The dispensations are not different, but becomes successive promises that exist throughout history. However, progressive dispensationalism does have some weaknesses. First, it is believed by some that the hermeneutic principle of interpretation appears to be flawed. Progressive dispensationalists claim to interpret Scriptures, especially Revelation with a grammatical-historical context. However, they do not fully adhere to the true grammatical-historical interpretation, but advocates the change in text. Biases and presuppositions must be put aside to understand true historical

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