Professor Higgins's Song Wouldn 'T It Be Loverly'

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Songs “Why Can’t The English?”- This song is an introduction to the musical as a whole and it is all about the accents of the english and why they speak the way they do. It was put into the movie because it introduced Professor Higgins’ character and occupation. “Wouldn’t It Be Loverly”- Eliza sings this song on the night street about what she would do if she could have everything she wanted. This song was put into the movie because it helps the watcher get familiar with the main character and her ultimate desires and intentions. “I’m An Ordinary Man”- Professor Higgins sings this song about that it’s like to be a man and why he does not want a woman in his life. It is meant to show how Higgins feels about women and keeping them out of his life. It also stresses how he wants to proceed to live. “With A Little Bit Of Luck”- Alfred P. Doolittle sings this song about how you can get by not doing things you should and doing things you shouldn’t without punishment. This song shows Alfred’s morals and how weak they are. It also gives an idea of the way he thinks about things. …show more content…

The scene transitions in My Fair Lady are well executed and create a smooth filming process. There was however, a problem with the camera in the ascot racecourse scene. THe camera shook a little as if the stand was shaken. This scene could have easily been edited out but instead the film director William Ziegler left it. Another small transition problem in which Eliza was holding an umbrella and when the shot came back to her she no longer was holding the umbrella. Finally, there was an awkward transition that went from the ascot party to the embassy ball with not much in between. All in all, the transitions were not terrible besides a few minor flaws. Special Effects The film, My Fair Lady, was filmed before the popularization of CGI, computer generated imagery. In addition to this, the film uses almost no special effects at all.

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