Professional Values In Nursing

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The purpose of this paper is to highlight the values which are important to the professional nurse working in the healthcare setting. Many studies have been done on what a professional nurse should and should not do; but some of the results remain the same. This paper explores the various attributes which professional nurses should possess. It also delves into some ethical and Christian principles which nurses should abide by. What does it mean to be professional nurse? What are the values necessary to be a good nurse? How does Christianity play a role in the way nurses treat patients? In this paper, I will be using some writings from Carol Taylor, PhD, MSN, RN to better showcase the meaning of professional values and professional …show more content…

Five values which epitomized the professional nurse are as follow: altruism, autonomy, human dignity, integrity, and social justice. Every nurse should carefully examine himself to see if he possesses those traits for they are essential for nursing practice. Altruism in Taylor’s words is a concern for the welfare and well-being of others (2008). It is no secret that a nurse’s job is primarily care based; therefore, it is of utmost importance to reflect altruism in nursing practice. Behaviors which reflect altruism are showing an understanding of cultures, beliefs, and perspective of others, advocating for patients, taking risks on behalf of patients, and mentoring other professionals. Autonomy according to Taylor is the right to self-determination (2008). The nurse must respect the patient’s rights. The nurse should listen and act according to the patient’s wishes and needs not bullying him into cooperating with his treatment plan. The nurse shows such value by planning care in partnership with patients, honoring the right of patients to make decisions about healthcare, and providing information so that patients can make informed choices. Based on studies this value is one of the most important. For when a patient comes to the hospital for care, he is at his worse; therefore, a nurse should do whatever is in his power to let the patient be autonomous in his own treatment

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