Pride And Prejudice Fact And Fact Analysis

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Reading Historical Fiction: The Relevant and Remembered Past
This book was found to be very useful when constructing the Pride and Prejudice presentation. Since the essay question that has been chosen requires an analysis of the historical components of film adaptions of Pride and Prejudice, this source will also be used for the major essay. The book compiles a collection of essays that focus on different historical representations, how historical fiction is defined and how it is applied. In particular, this book includes an essay by James Ward that examines the role of authenticity in creating a historical adaptation. Consequently, ward argues that when an audience is expecting authenticity in an adaptation, it is in a metaphorical sense …show more content…

This source will be used as an example of a problem adaptation a historical work. Which is that in many cases, historical themes and issues are pushed into the background in order to take emphasis on more palatable topics for their audience, such as romance. Ergo this can be demonstrated in how modern audiences idolise the romantic between Elizabeth and Mr Darcy. This is paramount in Joe Wight’s adaptation of the film. Hence this section of the essay will demonstrate the changes in the film that emphasise the romantic elements of the work, at the expense of historical …show more content…

By Miranda Giles
This essay will be using Baz Luhrmann’s film adaptation of Romeo and Juliet as one of the examples of how film adaptations change the historical context of the original text. Consequently, in Luhrmann’s film, Shakespeare’s play is thrust into a modern setting. Many elements of the play are switched and changed to modernise it, for example how the men carry guns with the brand name ‘sword’ instead of carrying real swords. Henceforth it is essential to include academic material done on the film in the essay.
In this article, Giles argues that Luhrmann has taken Shakespeare’s play and morphed it into a hybrid of popular culture in order to make the work more palatable for a mass consumer market. In other words, the film was in Giles are a simple ploy to make a profit. However, this essay will attempt to respond to this sentiment by arguing that whilst Luhrmann is altering the historical context to suit his audience, the motives for doing so are more than a simple profiteering

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