Prevalent Legends: The American Indian

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Prevalent Legends Legends from Native American ancestors often teach important life lessons and are great forms of entertainment. The stories are captivating and have been passed down for generations. One famous and important story that teaches important life lessons is The American Soul. One of the most vital and intriguing chapters of the book “The American Indian.” This chapter of The American Soul has themes centered around peace and communion. This story and its lessons are still significant in today’s world, and from them, we are able to learn many important values. The American Indian helps us deal with pressing problems and understand worldwide evils, especially terrorism. “The American Indian” continually focuses on the notion of …show more content…

He speaks to how we are to understand peace can act “as a force to harmonize the actions and impulses of human life, in their multiplicity and opposition to each other” (Needleman 215). He states man will need a new attitude, and that thinking will substitute for killing. The story, specifically Hiowatha, warns that if violence didn’t turn into helping others, the world will turn and focus on killing others instead. He tells man that he needs a new attitude. He needs to have an attitude of positivity. When many doubt the great peacemaker, he tells them of how peace is more honorable than war, and requires a higher level of sacrifice and courage, and shows them what it means to be human beings. The Great Peacemaker gives us sage advice on how to being about peace and prosperity. The Great Peacemaker informs us that ways to bring about peace are through the solution of the Longhouse, as well as the Great Tree of Peace. The roots of the Great Tree of Peace, the Great Peacemaker explains, will connect everyone in the world, as they extend far and wide, bringing peace to all the world. He tells them that to achieve peace, they must forget the doubt within them, and trust in righteousness, and work to find their inner good. Through finding these things, they are able to live in a chaos-free world and live in communion with one another. In today’s modern world, if we are able to trust others, and come together with a common goal to stop injustices and terrorism, we also will achieve

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