Presuppositions In The Apostle Paul's Letter To Christianity

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I have always seen scripture as the Apostle Paul stated in his letter to Timothy, “All Scripture is breathed out by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for training in righteousness,” (2 Timothy 3:16 ESV). I see this statement of the Apostle Paul’s directed more to the OT, because the OT would have been readily available to most NT churches of that time period. The churches would have still been receiving portions of the NT scripture well after the Apostle Paul 's statement in 2 Timothy 3:16. For a person to truly understand the scripture we must be careful that our presuppositions do not hinder or distort the scripture and its original meaning. When studying scripture I always look to challenge my own personal …show more content…

The DTIB says that exegesis should focus on historical context in the grammatical relations to determine what the text meant when it was originally written (p. 203). This is really hard given some of the topics covered in the Old Testament. For me as a pastor I always look for the application of the scripture when reading a scriptural text. I pay close attention to the scripture so that I do not force things out of the scripture that are not present. It is hard to completely understand the view of the author when we have limited understanding of that culture. I tried to find as many things as I can about the culture that is related to the scriptural text, which I 'm studying. This way I have a marginal understanding of what the culture was like for the author and his …show more content…

The major issue is How Christians read the OT and the references to the triune God’s self-revelation in Jesus Christ, how these scripture of Israel relates to the church, and can the NT support the orthodox teaching of Jesus (p. 732). Many issues on typologies and allegories arise today as they did in the pass. A typology in Christian theology that is seen often in OT and NT is “Day of the Lord” (Joel 2:31 & Acts 2:20) yet this single event has multiple manifestations. Another typology is the Servant Song typology found in Isaiah. Isaiah identifies himself as the servant in Isaiah 50:9, but in Isaiah 53 we see the servant is identified as Jesus. Isaiah identifies Israel as the servant in Isaiah 49:3. This use of servant seems to reflect the book of Isaiah itself, with some of his writing being prophetic and some being historic. Another typology is the Babylon of the OT (Isaiah 13:19, 14:4; 21:9; 48:14; Ezekiel 12:13, 21:19; Jeremiah 27:17, 38:23, 50:1,13,23 51:1,8,41,… ), which was a real place, but the Babylon of the NT (1 Peter 5:13 & Rev. 14:8 17:5) is generally seen as prophetic. With the presence of typologies in the scripture the study of scripture must be done in such a fashion that care is done to identify these typologies an allegories. We must have open eyes when reading scripture to see these connections between OT and

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