Prequels Of The Star Wars

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The Star Wars prequels were hated by a lot of people but, are they that bad? Some complaints against the prequels have been restated over and over again so much so that it’s just accepted as fact that the prequels are horrible movies that “ruined star wars” but are they? It didn’t live up to the hype leading up to the first movie but how could it? Showing Darth Vader the great mysterious villain as the eight year old boy nick named Annie was an odd choice destroying the mystery of one of the greats making him more sympatric after knowing his story it changes the way you look at the original trilogy but, it gives reason to why the Jedi switched to the dark side.
Some parts in the original trilogy special edition are hated just for connecting …show more content…

The phantom menace is the most hated referred to as the worst star wars film the most disappointing movie the moment gorge Lucas went from the man that could do no wrong to the man to not even being trusted with his own creation so pwhat went wrong? The movie is a piece of movie history and it will hopefully be remembered as the worst star wars movie but, the worst of a great franchise isn’t necessarily …show more content…

the phantom edit is a fan edit of the movies that removes most of the most hated things taking out most of jar-jar all mention of the micro clarions and other then a few key scenes the entirety of the first movie it takes three 2+ hour movies and cuts it down to an hour and forty minute movie proving how little is liked, it was created as darth Vader flash back movie so you could watch episode 3 then episode 4 then at the end Vader reveals his Luke’s father you watch the edit in place of watching all three 2+ hour long movies before watching episode 6. It happened a long time ago in a galaxy far far away fans either buy it or they

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