Pregnancy and Abortion among Teens

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During the last years the teen pregnancy's issues has become an important matter of discussion in our society. There are a lot of teen's that suffer while trying to hide the embarrassing and difficult situation that many have to confront. It is a problem that concerns all of us. Teen Pregnancy is a social problem that affects every individual in a community. Form the parents of the baby, to the baby, and the family around the teenagers. It is said that teen pregnancy leads to abortion. After many years of investigation, researchers have come to find an incredible relationship between "teen pregnancy" and "abortion". It is not an easy task to raise a child during the teenage years. As an example here is the story of a young adolescence that went through this difficult experience. "When I was very young, I ended up pregnant. I didn't want to get married yet, I certainly didn't want to tell my parents, I didn't think I could have a baby and give it up... so I opted for abortion. The baby's father drove me to another city for our appointment and it was over with. I went on to finish college and have other children. I feel happy with my life and feel successful. The only thing in life that I am truly sorry for is that I had that abortion. I don't know how it would have changed my life but I'd give anything to do it all over and NOT have the abortion. I know that's impossible, but I will never get over my lost child. I feel that God forgives me... I was young and weak... but I'll never feel like I can forgive myself. I wish I'd either have told my parents or asked for help, or I wish I'd have had the baby and given it up for adoption. I realize that would be very difficult but at least I would know that I gave my baby life and a fam...

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... them and many times the father of the child confronts fear and walks away. This is the reason by which most teens end up aborting there creature. Statistics show that teen pregnancy is still a big problem and concern among our community. Lets take action and STOP "teen pregnancy" and "abortion", if we work together we can make a difference!

Works Cited

Study looks at teen sexual activity. National Catholic Reporter, 12/14/2001, Vol.38 Issue 7, p7, 1/9p

Condom Sense. Economist, 7/28/2001, Vol. 360 Issue 8232, p30, 1/3p

Teen pregnancy rate down, abortion rate up. By: Buske, Lynda. CMAJ: Canadian Medical Association Journal, 02/06/2001, Vol.164 Issue 3, p395

Neighborhood Outpost. By: Colson Charles. Christianity Today, 11/13/2000, Vol.44 Issue 13, p 136

G.O.P Big Tent' Is Shrinking. By: Herbert, Bob. New York Times, 05/01/2000, Vol. 149

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