Prairie Farm Research Paper

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The prairie is facing several problems that threaten not only the wellbeing but also the existence of plant and animal species. Habitat loss, overgrazing, and pollution are ruining the prairie ecosystem. The habitats of native prairie animals are being destroys and converted into farmland. Prairie grasses are being uprooted, which are a vital food source for prey animals. When these prey animals do not have enough resources to sustain their current population, their decreasing numbers create ripples across the food web. Loss of prairie grasses is also a problem for animals that live create nests inside them to shelter them and their young. Another side effect of habitat loss is that as the amount of land decreases, the population density increases …show more content…

This project is significant in not only sustaining the prairie ecosystem, but by reducing the carbon footprint humans have on the earth. By educating farmers on how to be more sustainable, it will not only lift the burden upon the prairie plants and animals, but also help the human population in the future. If we put too much weight on the land at once, then it will produce a lot for a short amount of time. If however, farmers become sustainable, the land may produce less in in the short term, but pay off in the long run. The resources the prairie has will be maximized in the years to come, available for future generations. This approach is the most likely to be successful because by educating farmers, they will learn how to better work the land, how to protect the native species while at the same time, allow human interests to thrive in terms of agriculture. The creation of such educational programs, whether they be offered to the public online or/and students at universities, would not require as much funding compared to the amount of money that would have to be spent fixing problems that could have been prevented if such farmers were …show more content…

Before I began this assignment, I did not know that the prairie was endangered. It does not get a lot of attention in the media, nor does its threatened wildlife. A lot of attention is given to animals in different countries, outside the United States. The Amazon rainforest, the tiger, the panda, etc. all get tons of media coverage. They are popular zoo animals as well. Prairie animals often look so ordinary and uninteresting that the public does not give them the attention they deserve or need in order to get assistance. Some people do not see the value or importance in prairie animals and plants, but the biggest issue with prairie conservation is that people just aren’t aware that the prairies are in danger, and that overgrazing is a major problem. As I worked through the assignments, I realized that people in the United States should be supporting domestic ecological plights, and not only foreign causes. As Americans it is our duty to take care of problems in our own country before other countries. All conservation efforts are equally important, but we do have to care of issues in our home country and not overlook them until the situation becomes too dire to

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