The Endangered Species Act

791 Words2 Pages

The topic that I chose to discuss is one that every state has adopted due to the acts that have been taken to preserve and protect our environment, so I chose the Endangered Species Act. The Endangered Species Act prohibits activities affecting threatened and endangered species. There are many organizations in place to enforce the authorities of this act and a couple of the main groups are the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, The National Oceans and Atmospheric National Marine Fisheries Services. In this assignment I will elaborate on the Parks and Wildlife efforts and policies on the Endangered Species Act. To put this Act or Law into order, there were strong actions that were threatening the environment for those that research and treat the animals. Since the 1960’s there have been motions to protect animals and in 1966 Congress passed the Endangered Species Preservation Act and bought its first endangered species habitat in Florida. Once again it was revised in 1969 and 1970, but in 1972, President Nixon declared that conservation efforts in the United States aim to prevent the extinction of species that brought together the 93rd Congress to develop comprehensive endangered species legislation. Congress responded and on December 28th the Endangered Species Act (ESA) of 1973 was signed and put into order.
The purpose of the ESA was to protect the species and the ecosystems which they depend on. There are many state and federal entities that monitor and ensure that these animals and plants stay safe. Many of the actions that were taking on marine life, were hunters and those that were seeking them for game. These actions have placed mammals like the sea turtle and finback whale and killer whale at a very high endangered species l...

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...d regulate against capturing and hunting our threatened and endangered species. This is something that I can proudly say I stand for and behind in our environment, no matter what the case is and who the violator is, the Act must be valued and the law must put forth efforts to uphold the Endangered Species Act.

Works Cited

U.S. Fish &Wildlife Services(2014)Laws and Policies/ Endangered Species
NOAA Fisheries (2014) National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration/ Endangered Species.
National Wildlife Federation (2014) Endangered Species Act
California.Gov (2014) California Department of Fish and Wildlife/ CESA (2014) Endangered Species Act/Texas Parks & Wildlife. Federal and State Endangered Species List
The National Wildlife Federation (2014) Endangered Species Act- Ways to protect endangered species/ What we can do to protect endangered species.

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