Practical Nursing Scholarship Essay

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When school starts in August, I will be a full time student at SCTCC. I am so excited to be starting the Practical Nursing program to further my education and career as a nurse. I have been wanting to go back to school for quite some time but I have always found excuses not to. Well I finally put my foot down and told myself you are doing this, because it is not going to get any easier the longer you wait. I have been out of school for more than eleven years and finally decided to come back to better the want to show my daughter that hard work and dedication will pay off. I have been working really hard to get accepted into the Practical Nursing program, and it finally happened. I have a six-year-old daughter that is full of life and energy. When I am not at work or school, my daughter gets my full attention. My daughter likes to stay busy as well, so she is in dance/gymnastics, swimming, and karate. I do my school work after she is in bed because my time with her is limited and very precious to me. My mom …show more content…

Cloud VA, and I need to reaming working full time so that I am able to pay my mortgage and other bills that we may have. My work experience for the past fifteen years has helped mold me into the person that I am today. I have been help people my whole career and I could not imagine myself doing anything different, nor do I want to. I want to keep building on my work career, and this is the step forward that I need. Since I have attended SCTCC, I am proud to announce that I am on the honor society Phi Beta Kappa. For this honor society we have done a few community service projects, such as, cleaning up road ditched, selling items for fundraisers, spending time with the elderly, planted trees, and cleaned trash out of the parks. Community service is a great way to give back to the community, people, and earth; not to mention that there is a great sense of pride because only we can help to make this world a better

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