Poverty In A Christmas Carol

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Poverty has many definitions that interpret many ways. At first glance, someone might assume it means being in the state of extreme poorness. Poverty in today’s society makes it seem like an economic thing with two sides, someone is either poor or they’re not. A lack of something is a better definition of poverty than being poor. Those who are actually poor might not see it as a completely bad thing. A Christmas Carol suggests kinds of poverty that are represented in the social standards as well as in Scrooge himself.
Confronted by multiple people who have the spirit of Christmas to share, Scrooge denies it. His nephew wants him to attend their Christmas dinner and two poorly men ask for him to give to their charity. Scrooge says Christmas time isn’t any different from the rest of the year. He doesn’t spend time with his family or give money to the poor any other time so why should he waste it now. He expresses his disgust by saying, “Bah! Humbug!” (Dickens 19). The town in which the characters live has the very poor and the very rich. This doesn’t mean one lives in poverty while the other has nothing to worry about. The different types of poverty aren’t by the amount of money they have, Those who are getting as much out of live as they can …show more content…

He begins to realize even though bad things might happen, it can get better, Scrooge was always a mean person who didn’t care about anything. He was shown his past and responded, “No more! No more. I don’t wish to see it. Show me no more!” (47). When really he felt that if no one cared about him as a child, why should he care now. He didn’t want to see the terrible things he went through as a child again. Scrooge is living in poverty by pushing away people all the time and isn’t fulfilling his potential in life. He doesn’t realize the potential he has as a business person. He can help those in need and help himself by getting into the Christmas

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