Pope Francis Speech To Congress

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Article I – Speech to Congress In the first article, Pope Francis believes that the United States is a very capable country that has the potential to unite the people in order to achieve a common good. As one of the leading countries in the world, the U.S. should show hope to the rest of the world. Pope Francis urges the Congress to use its legislative power to take care of the people. The Congress has been elected by the people, but also represents them. Therefore, it has to show a certain level of responsibilities, and help grow the nation. He mentions this following citation: “You are asked to protect, by means of law, the image and likeness fashioned by God on every human face”. Also, the country has to show greater tolerance …show more content…

It seems that over time, people have forgotten about what their predecessors and ancestors did for them. Most of them sacrificed themselves so that us, the people can live a better future. People might have different ideas, but values are what guide us. Values help us live together as a one single family. We have smart, bright people in our society. The people that are at the top of the authority also possess remarkable qualities. However, it seems that not all of those qualities are put to use. Instead, they are completely ignored. They have become absorbed by selfishness and greed. The power to unite is no more. Discrimination has taken over. Discrimination happens at multiple levels. It is not only directed towards the poor, the weak, the immigrants, but also towards sinners. Our vision of the world has become much polarized between good and evil. As a consequence, people fear commitment and would rather go through loneliness as a way to avoid the “others”. This destroys a fundamental unit of humanity: the family. Ever since I came to the U.S., it came to my attention that in most families, people are very dedicated to their work. Being successful in life is an admirable trait. However, when too much time is put into a quasi-obsession of the self or should I say the cult of the personality, it quickly becomes unhealthy. The reality is that people do not spend enough time together as a family. They do not support each other, they do not listen and communicate. We have become so much used to it that it has become normal. Pope Francis example of marriage as a type of exchange money is an accurate description of what our society has become. For this reason, no other people are better qualified than the ones that are at the head of the authority. They have to encourage us to move forwards together, they have to show us the example, but also spread the word of God. We have to respect our differences, show solidarity and

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