Poor Clare Life Today

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The Poor Clares belong to the Order of Saint Clare, which originally used to be called the Order of Poor Ladies. They were the second Franciscan Order to be established. Poor Clare life today has similarities of how it was back in 1212, but it also has some minor differences. They have a strict schedule that they abided by while also still following the powerful mission that the Poor Clares founded. Poor Clare life today is entirely dedicated to God, just as it was back then.
Saint Clare was born in 1193 in Assisi into nobility. Before Clare was born, her mother was sent a sign by God that her daughter was going to be the “bright light of God in the world.” She was a very spiritual child and prayed all the time. When she was 22, St. Francis put her in a house near the convent and made her a superior. Being a Poor Clare was a very unusually way of life for women to be living back then (http://www.catholicnewsagency.com/saint.php?n=564).
The Poor Clares all around the world follow the same schedule called the The Horarium. Throughout the day they always have something to do. It is their daily schedule devoted to God. The Poor Clares follow the same schedule everyday without fail. It is a way of life for them. The Poor Clares believe “All time is at the service of God, each moment is a means to a far greater end and, therefore, every moment counts”(http://www.cloisteredlife.com/poor-clares/). They believe that they were put on this earth to be devoted to God and all their time on it means a great deal. They are highly dependent on God.
The Poor Clares day begins at 12:30 in the morning when they rise, then at 12:45 a.m. they mediate and read Matins. Next at 1:45 a.m. they retire and go back to sleep until 5:00 a.m., when they ...

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...e in many different parts of the globe. They live by the powerful mission of the Lord. They always follow a strict schedule because their entire day is devoted to God and being in union with him. The Poor Clares today follow the same Horarium as The Poor Clares back then, they have the same vocations and duties also. Being a Poor Clare today would be almost the equivalent of being a Poor Clare back in 1212. Poor Clares today follow the road St. Clare paved for them.

Works Cited

http://www.cloisteredlife.com/poor-clares/ http://poorclares.wordpress.com/a-day-in-the-monastery/ http://www.ewtn.com/library/MARY/CLARA.HTM http://www.poorclares-belleville.info/Who%20We%20Are/index.htm http://www.geocities.ws/osc_aritao/vocation.html http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Poor_Clares http://www.catholicnewsagency.com/saint.php?n=564

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