Pool Fence Argumentative Essay

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Thousands of people in the United States have pools put into their backyards every year. Most of these people either have at least one child, have children who visit, and or live in neighborhoods populated by families with young children. Pools can pose a serious threat to a child and can even be fatal in some cases. Because of this, it is a good idea to have a pool fence to protect your own children or those who may visit. There are many places in the United States where pool fences are not just recommended, but they are actually required. Some local and state governments have even enacted laws regarding backyard pools because of the numbe of children who have died or almost died by drowning in them. If you don't have a pool yet, and are …show more content…

So, if you're worried about the pool fence clashing with your backyard decor, or you just don't feel like you know enough about them to even make an informed decision on what kind to get, rest assured there are a lot to choose from, as well as, plenty of people who can help you get educated with regards to them. The best place to look for a pool fence besides a store specializing in pool accessories which aren't always available is online. You will discover in a short amount of time that there are a number of different styles of pool fence. For example there are fences made from wood, metal, mesh, and even …show more content…

Metal pool fences are the most sturdy and the easiest when it comes to upkeep which is great if you have kids around a lot, don't like to repair things and don't want to replace your pool fence anytime soon. Plastic pool fences can sometimes also be removable, but the more durable ones can be difficult and so they may not be the best choice. Wood pool fences look nice, but tend to need to be repaired every couple of years, and if you live somewhere like the Pacific Northwest where it rains about nine months out of the year this can be really hard on wood. While pool fences are great for obvious reasons, if you have children around all the time, you may also want to purchase another accessory called a pool cover. Pool covers are not made the same way they were twenty years ago where if a child fell in a pool that had one it was more likely to contribute to the child drowning rather than helping the child. The new stye of pool covers were made with the idea of life saving. These new ones have netting, durable mesh covers, as well as durable vinyl making them more of a help than the hindrance that they used to be. Whether you choose to install a pool fence, a pool cover or both, it will be a good

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