DACA Argumentative Essay

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The Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program, or DACA, shields about 800,000 illegal immigrants from deportation. Though many people think illegal immigrants bring crime, DACA recipients bring almost no crime rates to this country. Many DACA recipients were brought to the United States unwillingly at a young age. As adults, DACA recipients do the duties of any other citizen, but they are not allowed to become citizens. DACA recipients, or Dreamers, should become citizens because they give little to no threat to the United States, have little relation to their ‘home’ country, and perform the rights of any citizen. Most Dreamers have not brought any crime to this country. In an article by The Washington Post, it states that only 2,139 out of 800,000 DACA recipients have lost their permit — which is just about a quarter of one percent. There was also a statistic that showed that almost four times as many U. S born Americans are in prison. Obviously with a growing population, there is crime that goes along with it. But people solely blame immigrants for the crime rates which is simply outrageous! The government performed background checks on all DACA recipients and have files on all of them. Many Dreamers are against violence and crime in America because they consider the U. S to be their home. …show more content…

Many DACA recipients were too young to even remember their ‘home’ country, and most do not speak their native language! In an interview with Jimmy Kimmel, Esmeralda reveals that she was illegally brought to the United States from Mexico City at the age of two years old. Esmeralda tells Jimmy that she pays taxes, works a job, has a social security number, and goes to nursing school. Esmeralda has no recollection of Mexico, and her only home is America. DACA recipients should not be sent to a country they know nothing

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