Political Correctness In The Entertainment Industry

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In today’s age, all forms of communication surround people, whether it be phones, televisions, or computers, humans are in perpetual communication with each other. Humans are known as a social species and for the most part rely on interaction between others, but we live in a world where people will take advantage of communication. Currently our culture is experience a phenomenon referred to as political correctness or PC. Political correctness, as taken from the Merriam-Webster dictionary, means “conforming to a belief that language and practices which could offend political sensibilities (as in matters of sex or race) should be eliminated”. Political correctness seems like a good idea at first but there are problems with it. Political correctness is affecting entertainment, …show more content…

While political correctness continues to be prevalent in our culture it will continue to affect certain aspects of it. A large aspect of our culture is the entertainment industry in general. A large problem on how political correctness is affecting the entertainment industry is the idea that studio decide to simply insert a random diverse actor in a role and expect that to be okay. A few examples of this trend are the recent Ghostbuster film where all the male roles were replaced by females, Idris Elba, an African-American, being cast as the main character of Stephen King’s the Dark Tower movie adaptation when the character is originally white, and the casting of minorities in lead roles for the recent Star Wars films. In fact, many of these examples are with good intentions. Studios are

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