Pros And Cons Of Being Politically Correct

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People far too often tell others something that they say is not politically correct and that it offends them, even though they will refuse to give a rational explanation to why what the person stated is so offensive. It is to a point where people seem to be offended by virtually everything. Being too politically correct is hindering societies’ ability to rationally solve problems. Being politically correct is essential to society, because the majority of it is just refraining from offending other people. The term politically correct originated from Communists and Socialists in the mid 20th century to keep people in line in Russian so there would be no rebellion from the communist society. At the start of the 1990’s being politically correct became a massive deal to people in America and the UK, it was kind of showing the rejection of racism, homophobia and …show more content…

However humans naturally put emotions into what they say if they did not put emotion into their word then that would just make people robots. Which is a lot of the reason why political correctness matter to an extent. “What’s mad here is the willingness of people to spout such ideologically vacant and socially dangerous statements without pausing to consider a) the meaning, b) the rationale or c) the consequences of their words. In short, people are being idiots about political correctness(It’s Time to Get Real About).” Political correctness is just a way of providing labels to other people. If somebody were to call somebody from Ireland a Scotsman they would be offended because that is not politically correct. The exact same principle applies to every other label. From calling somebody a racist to calling somebody homophobic it is just a label made due to political

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