Police Corruption Essay

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John DeSantis, reporter and author for United Press International once said, “A nation of laws cannot and should not elevate anyone above the law — not ourselves, not the president of the country, and not the cop on the beat. Until a system exists that demands accountability…the credibility of our entire system of justice will exist under an ominous shadow of mistrust and doubt.” Not any person should be above the law especially those who are supposed to carry out the law because that type of power opens a pathway to corruption. Corruption is an issue throughout police forces and there is not one corrupt act that goes victimless. Whether it is petty corruption or major corruption it still has consequences. Today society possesses a negative …show more content…

However according to Talha Syed, former researcher at the Centre for the Study of Violence and Reconciliation, that is not corruption, “It should be noted that there are some "improper" or questionable police practices and forms of misconduct that are not necessarily forms of corruption. One example would be an officer acting in a racist or prejudicial manner towards an alleged offender, perhaps by being discourteous or perhaps by other, more overt means (Syed)…” Actions taken by police officers may sometimes be unnecessary and seem unwarranted but most of these acts fall under being inappropriate rather than corrupt. Through the help of major media outlets distasteful videos of officers in uniform go viral. The videos accuse officers of being prejudice and unjust. Power of media can end up getting police fired over misconduct but rarely does media portray the truth about police corruption. Newly trained officers take an oath which is simply called, The Code of Ethics, and if the officer oversteps his/her bounds they may be prosecuted. When the code analyzed by experts the definition of police corruption is summarize by, “Any illegal conduct or misconduct involving the use of

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