Pole Vaulting Vs Scholarship

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As a junior in high school, my friends and I are beginning to consider where we will attend college. There are a lot of options to consider. I really want to go away to a four-year college and would love to be part of a college track and field team. On the other hand, I will have the option of attending a junior college or technical school after high school through the A+ program. Paying for all of the different expenses it still another thing to think about. Deciding my path after graduation includes a lot of choices that require careful consideration.
Pole vault is a very important part of my life, and my future may very well depend on it. I have been vaulting for four years and would love to continue through college. Pole vault is a way for me to get scholarships and money towards my college tuition. Four-year colleges have strong athletic programs. Being a college athlete has different perks to go with the level of intensity that programs like these provide. Cool clothes, nice equipment, and seriously committed teammates. If I were to vault at this level, I would be trained by experienced trainers, coached by high ranking and knowledgeable coaches and compete with more of the …show more content…

People look for the most amount of scholarships and other ways to get money from colleges. Being a good athlete and can help my chances of getting scholarships. I am very close to being eligible for a D1 track scholarship, and hopefully I can get it. Although I don’t need to be an in sports to get money for college. I could go to school on loans and work while I continue my education. If I go to a community college near home, I don’t have to move out, I could work to pay school after my first two years and not worry about food and housing arrangements. Would that be a cheaper and easier way to go? Many community colleges, don’t have track teams though, so that doesn’t appeal to

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