Athletics Vs. Academics

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The debate over big time college athletics versus academics can easily be broken down with facts. Athletes at colleges where athletics are a large part of the school's namesake are given unfair advantages that overshadow the purpose of the institutions existence.

Scandals in college athletics constantly riddle the news and media. Athletes are receiving financial and material gifts to attend and stay at a certain school. They are being given excessive and undeserved grade changes to maintain athletic eligibility. They are getting extra tutors that write the papers instead of teaching. These actions are demeaning academic establishments where athletics are suppose to be extra curricular to the educational priority.

To begin with, division one athletic programs are allowed by the NCAA to provide athletic scholarships to high school athletes. These scholarships permit students to attend universities who very often have not reached the scholastic accolades to attend the specific institution; it is purely their athletic abilities that allow these people to not only study at these schools but attend at a discounted tuition or free of charge. Academic scholarships that work in the same fashion as the athletic scholarships further the goal of the university, to create academic community of excellence; athletic scholarship ignore this goal. Although the scholarships could be used to supplement the goal by awarding athletic scholarships to students who meet the academic admissions but also excess in athletic, this is not being practiced.

The students that were accepted solely on athletic abilities additionally counteract the university purpose by occupying valuable student spaces of enrollment. At Penn State University i...

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... of athletics questions the principle of university.

The issues and infractions mentioned above are examples of what is and has occurred at universities nationwide. This is not an isolated problem. As these corrupt acts of academic fraudulence and plagiarism continue to reoccur, it is slowing chipping away at the prestige and respect that make these educational establishments what they are suppose to be, institutions of the highest learning. By treating academics as a secondary concern to the athletic primacy, universities cannot fully accomplish their sole purpose. These acts of immoral and unethical procedures do not permit the schools from maintaining unblemished academic environments. Although part of the universities' goals are to create well rounded students, this objective should not come at the expense of academics, corruption, or unethical behavior.

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