Play ECE Assignment

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Play ECE Assignment 1- Year 1

The first six to seven years of a child’s life are some of the most important years of their lives because during those years children are more capable of absorbing information then older children or adults. These years are particularly important regarding their holistic development. All aspects of development are included under holistic development, such as intellectual, physical, social, emotional and linguistic development, it is deemed the overall development and well-being of a child. This assignment will give a brief outline on the role of play in the life of young children (aged 0-6), it will discuss why play is an important part of a child’s life and an important part of a child’s learning and it will …show more content…

Child initiated learning is like independent learning as it gives the child the opportunity to plan and develop their own play and games. This gives the child the chance to gain multiple skills but also to apply the skills they already have to their play. This encourages the child to explore, solve problems, and make multiple decisions and more importantly to take risks. It also helps the child to develop concentration and also how to work with others and as part of a group, which in the future can be used in any activity that takes place at home, in school and also throughout their life. Alongside this, it gives the child the opportunity to find out what is right and what is wrong by trying new things out and by being allowed to manage their own risks. The child needs the time to be able to play, to be able to experiment with all the knowledge they have and with all their different ideas. Throughout their playtime, adults need to support the children in many different ways to scaffold, model and extend learning. Adults should encourage children, during and after their playing time, to talk about whether or not they have discovered something new, what they have done and whether or not they have improved upon a skill or if they have learned any new skills. It’s through their many …show more content…

Natural materials should be included as much as possible, materials such as clay, wood, sand and water. The environment should include a number of different materials, natural materials included, and should also include the equipment that will give the children the opportunity to create different scenarios and also to give the children a chance to think for themselves and make their own decisions.
An adult plays an important role by observing children during their play activities. It is important to “observe children at play, and add provision to support and extend their play.” (Bruce & Megitt, 2012 p.476) from these observations, appropriate materials and equipment can be provided to support the children and encourage them to take initiative in their own

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