Plato And Aristotle Similarities

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Both Plato and Aristotle are among the most influential philosophers in the history. Socrates was another famous philosopher who greatly influenced Plato. Plato was the pupil of Socrates and later Plato became the teacher of Aristotle. Although Aristotle followed his teachings for a long time, he found many questionable facts in his teachings and later on became a great critic of Plato’s teachings. Since Aristotle found faults in Plato, hence their work is easily comparable as it is based on the common aspects of philosophy. In this paper I will first explain some similarities and then I shall explain the differences between the theories of Plato and Aristotle.
Both Plato and Aristotle based their theories on four widely accepted beliefs of the time; “knowledge must be of what is real, the world experienced via the senses is what is real, knowledge must be of what is fixed and unchanging, the world experienced via the senses is not fixed and unchanging.” Both Plato and Aristotle make use of their own definition of “form” to solve the problems with knowledge. Both the philosophers agreed that form classifies everything, for example a chair is a chair because it projects and reflects the form of a chair. However their exact definitions do vary. Plato claims that “Particulars (objects) are only crude representations of their Form”, whereas Aristotle argues that a “form is through the objects purpose which has been given to it by its designer / creator.” Secondly both Plato and Aristotle
Dhillon 2 wrote famous works which were very popular however it is noticed that Plato’s work was based on entertaining lit...

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...with those particulars which exist within time and space. However, Aristotle’s belief that everything has a purpose also leaves doubts as there are examples of things in nature which
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do not have a purpose such as the human appendix. Both fail to account for the possibility chance happenings, each believe that there is an ultimate truth and explanation to everything. Both have ultimately left large gaps in their theories which leave them open to criticism. However, their theories led to two of the greatest philosophical views, transcendentalism and naturalism, which has enabled future philosophers to build upon their original views and revise them to accommodate new information and discoveries since Plato and Aristotle’s original era.

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