Physical And Environmental Security Impact On Forensics Investigations

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Forensics investigations that require the analyzation and processing of digital evidence can be influenced both positively and negatively by a number of outside sources. In this paper, we will explore how physical security plays a role in forensics investigations activities. We will start by examining how physical and environmental security might impact the forensics investigation process. Next, we will discuss the role that physical and logical security zones play in supporting effective forensics activities. We will illustrate how centralized and decentralized physical and environmental security affects the forensics professional’s approach toward the investigation. Lastly, we will evaluate some potential areas of risk related to the physical security of our case study organization, Widget Factory, identified in Attachment 1.
Physical and Environmental Security Impact on Forensics Investigations
Physical and environmental security programs are generally considered to be a collection of mechanisms and controls put into place that help ensure the availability of information technology capabilities. These programs protect an organization from fire, flood, theft, power failure, intentional, and even unintentional damage through negligence. Implementation of these programs at the organizational level can take place in a number of ways but most organizations choose to follow the application of a body of standards, usually set forth by an organization such as the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) and the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC). Once such body of standards put forth by ISO/IEC is 27002, Information technology – Security techniques – Code of practice for information secur...

... middle of paper ... security factors make continued operations in these remote location extremely risky.
Physical security plays an important role in the digital forensics process. Implementation of a good physical and environmental security program can help digital forensics investigators perform their jobs more accurately and effectively. In this paper we explored just how those physical and environmental security programs impacted forensics activities. We explored the role of security zones including how the zones function together during the investigative process. Additionally, we showed how centralized and decentralized physical and environmental security impacts forensics evidence gathering. Finally, we evaluated some of the potential risks to physical security in our case study organization in an attempts to improve the security posture of that organization.

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