Philippians 2: 1-11 Analysis

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Philippians 2:1-11 shows and emulates Jesus as the inclusive loving God of all people. Whereas the Christian theology even though it is based on Holy scripture has done the complete opposite of not just excluding, but executing those who did not fit the perfect White Christian mold (90). Christians for centuries have been persecuting all different races, faiths, cultures, sexual practices, and any other exception they could think of. Christians have had a long and horrifying tale of genocide to anyone that may have seemed to be a threat to their perfect white Christian lifestyle (91). The slaves that Christians thought God wanted them to have in Philippians Jesus was a slave. Yet, Christians do not acknowledge this identity of their God.
Innocent reading of the Bible in conjunction with McLaren’s view, can be viewed the same as any other book of facts that can not waver or be altered because they just are what they are (115). Reading the Bible in a critical way takes the reader a step farther in understanding what is being read. It allows the reader to question and dissect everything. Word by word, situation by situation, not accepting what is there, but wondering and investigating how, why, and by whom it is written. There is no stone unturned or no question outlawed, when looking at the Bible to see the different and/or deeper meanings that come about (115). Reading the Bible in an Integral or postcritical way involves taking all the pieces discovered within the critical way and reforming them now with meaning, clarity and substance (115). Allowing the reader to make sense of what was originally an innocent way of accepting the Bible. It allows the reader to use his/her own experiences and life to formulate the Bible into something that now has true meaning and understanding. Basically, putting the Bible back together in a way that makes
Maybe one also has nuts or coconut. Maybe some are more like cake or chewy. To try and see what truly makes up a specific cookie and what does or does not seem acceptable for a chocolate chip cookie. The final way to experience this chocolate chip cookie is through an Integral or postcritical way. Having that cookie amongst many others with the knowledge that even if your previous thought of a chocolate chip cookie was not with coconut before that now realizing that the coconut makes sense it allows the flavors to burst out of this cookie even more than the original cookie you thought was perfect before. The now chocolate chip cookie makes more sense when others try to tell you that coconut is needed in the cookie. This chocolate chip cookie analogy works for me because I understand what goes into baking. This likeness yet difference to another’s recipe when having gone through the process of innocent, critical and then integral/postcritical analysis enables the baker to not only look at other’s recipes as acceptable, but also maybe even improving the baker’s own recipe through better understanding the taste and texture of another

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