Analysis Of An Indian's Looking Glass For The White Man

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In his essay An Indian’s Looking-Glass for the White Man, William Apess talks about the incompatibility of being a good Christian while still discriminating between races. He argues that this social hypocrisy is not supported by the Biblical text, or by Christian teachings. It is Apess’ belief that if God were to love white people as much as they believe, he wouldn’t have created fifteen colored people for every white one. He goes on to remind his white Christian audience, that it has been the white race the one who has committed the most terrible crimes in the history of mankind. Apess places emphasis on the fact the neither Jesus nor any of his apostles or disciples were white skinned. He also argues the right of the white man to control and subjugate the other races, more …show more content…

William Apess then asks his mostly white audience to reexamine their Christian values along with their prejudices. His essay acknowledges that unless the discrimination and prejudices that plague the white man over the other races disappear, then there won’t be peace in the Union.
The portrayal by Apess of the rampant racism that existed in America in his time is accurate and clear. He understood that the nature of racism is found both in the regular citizen as well in the ruling classes or politicians. As an example, during the time Apess wrote his essay, it interracial marriage was illegal in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts. He mentions this as a direct infringement of the rights of the individual by both the state and society. It is Apess’ argument that the white man doesn’t even consider other races, especially the Native Indian or the Blacks, as qualified to have rights in the first place. The dehumanization of the Indian by the white man allows the latter to oppress and murder the former, to take his land, and to

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