Petting Zoos Essay

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Petting zoos are another type of zoo that exhibit various types cruelty towards both humans and animals. Although petting zoos are the friendlier version of actual zoos, where the animals are domesticated yet some what exotic (Carnivores in Captivity.) Those who own petting zoo claim that it is for educational purposes (Animal Rights Coalition.) Ducks, for example, are adapted to living in ponds and vast land, but being restricted in a small wire pen with limited resources is not what a duck is used to (Animal Rights Coalition.) Children interact with the animals, and do not notice that the animal is running in fear or cowering in a corner. This type of behavior exhibits how unevolved the animals are to live in captive conditions (Animals …show more content…

For instance, those who own the zoos. Zoo operaters, managers and owners, all work for the zoo industry to make a profit (How to Start a Petting Zoo.) The people working for the zoo industry are only trying to make a living to pay for their house, their family and their food. When it comes to starting a zoo, there are a lot of key factors involved, especially money. Zoo owners need to make sure that there are a certain number of animals, and the resources for those animals are at an acceptable amount (How to Start A Petting Zoo.) For having over fifty species of animals, there are plenty of mouths to feed, without visitors coming in and guaranteeing revenue, food, treats, supplies and other important necessities could be scarce (How to Start a Petting Zoo.) The stress on a zoo owner or operator is obviously overbearing. For non-profit zoo organizations, such as sanctuaries, only receive profit and even resources by donation. If there are no donations, supplies dwindle or it is bought coming from the owners pocket (How to start a Petting Zoo.) Even though the business owners mean well, they are generally hurting these animals even with low

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