Persuasive Speech On Immigration

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To be elected into a power of importance here in America and be trusted to make good decisions here in the land of the free, how can they say no to having immigrants here? Are the immigrants the ones shooting up schools? Are the immigrants the ones shooting up cops? No they are not it is the born and pure breed Americans that are tearing this country apart. With all that is wrong with our country i can stand tall and say the majority of the immigrants are not doing anything wrong. I have watched several videos now on what they are having to go though simply because they wanted a better life. They are working very hard to stay in this country and make a difference here. To then pick them up and cuff them like some criminal because they weren …show more content…

He became a prominent jeweler and a very respected man in this community. Now had America picked him up and sent him back to Hungary then Elkhart would have just lost a big piece of history. I would never had been born. Sometimes in order for destiny to work you gotta break a few rules. So destiny for all those kids of those immigrants was to grow up and be something that will make a difference. That would be very hand in their home country. Like i said before everyone is an immigrant unless you are 100% american indian and in which you wouldn 't be reading this. For the most part i am writing this paper on the Hispanic immigrants. They are the current immigrants America is freaking out about. Just to put this into perspective in American history we have had time periods before where a particular race was invading our country like the Chinese, Jews, Irish, Italians, and now we have Hispanics. We have always had another race the media told us to fear. This has been going on a while. So don’t you think of all the races that were deemed as not worthy of getting into our country that at least one of them would have lived to up what the public thought was going to be so …show more content…

Obviously not, they are fighting 10 times harder for something so many Americans take for granted. If anything they worked harder than i did to be able to get into college. Just to be turned away by employers in the end. I just can 't understand how we claim to be the greatest country in the world but we aren 't even close. In the video The Dream is Now they mention how adding these undocumented immigrants to the country by law then it would actually make the country a lot of money. More kids would be going to school to be doctors or lawyers and everything else we need.Instead of sitting around wishing they could go somewhere in life. How is it fair that Alejandro’s dream was to become a marine. Went to a great school to get the discipline in order to be in the military. Then all because he doesn 't have a social security number he can 't defend the only country he remembers, and the same country that is denying him everything he has ever wanted. It is just really surprising to me what i hear about how it used to be here in America. How people were free spirits and you could really trust

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