Persuasive Speech On Child Care

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Introduction Would providing childcare help you? Or someone that you know? Childcare is one the highest running expenses in America. Everyone needs it, but not everyone can afford it even with a job that pays well. Do you know how many parents stay home due to lack of childcare? The benefits of providing child care for your employees are endless! It creates less absenteeism, more productivity, while giving parents the emotional security they need, it also helps to retain and attract employees! Single parents cannot afford childcare even when they are working full time. By providing childcare these parents can work more and stress less, creating a pleasant and ethical work environment! Some people argue that employer provided daycare wouldn’t help but I can assure you it would. Do you know what happens when you provide child care for your employees? First and foremost, the benefits of providing child care for your employees are endless, it creates less absenteeism, more productivity and emotional security, and helps to retain and attract employees. One of the biggest challenges in the world place for employers is maintaining skilled, productive workers; for parents its finding affordable quality child care. This is becoming more and more of a problem than it was twenty so years ago. According to Mintel Press Office in …show more content…

The startup costs would be lost money because there wouldn't be enough success, and businesses should only strive for success. Although, by providing an onsite Daycare for their employees their profits would increase due to less absenteeism. The cost of monthly childcare outside the work place greatly exceeds the cost of rent for most parents in this country. This is a huge burden for both single and multi-family employees. Whereas, if parents had reliable cost-efficient child care more people would work and would decrease in 'sick

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