Summary Of The Childcare Controversy By Tiffany Fowler

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After reading the article, The Childcare Controversy by Tiffany Fowler, I have come to the conclusion that the author’s research is not strongly supported by confident research. However, the text offers illuminating insight to how I may deliver advice to a potential student regarding child care. I would address my student in an empowering fashion. As Fowler points out, it is most important to understand that the research available makes it impossible to come to a pinpointed and positive stance. Thus, an educator must inform their student of possible benefits and detriments to childcare, examine the current needs of their family, and ask about the parent’s own desires. Once these elements have been extracted, the educator should encourage the student to trust their own instincts without hesitation due to guilt from the media. …show more content…

There are arguments presented on both sides of the debates. The article states that “Children cared for at home will average four infections per year. Those who attend day care average seven infections per year” (2003, p. 59). Thus, there is evidence that youth in the care of others are more susceptible to sicknesses. However, loose research claims that children who go to school later in life compared to children primarily taken care of in the home may do better because “they’ve got more immunity on board” (2003, p.60). In addition, Fowler (2003) argues that children may contract negative behavior by “observing bad habits from children whose parents are not correcting the behavior” (p.61). Despite this opinion, other guardians appeared to be pleased with their child’s acquisition to learn how to “share, do things together, and be a friend” (p. 61). Therefore, there is supporting claims for both the pros and cons of socialization within child

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