Persuasive Speech Against Legalizing Marijuana

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Today I will be presenting to the public the risks included in legalizing marijuana for public consumption. Even making marijuana legal for medical purposes could be harmful to the youth. Considering the repercussions, legalizing marijuana would do more harm than good. Marijuana should not be legalized to reduce harm to the public. Marijuana can take a toll on the human body if taken in large amounts or in your youth. Many studies have shown that excessive use of Cannabis(Marijuana) at an early age can lead to brain development issues in the later stages of life. These changes can be unchangeable. Smoking Marijuana can effect much of your respiratory system. Just like how smoking a cigarette does, the smoke can upset your bronchial passages …show more content…

Just like how cigarettes started out, marijuana would be marketed towards a wide array of audience members. These advertisements will make weed seems like something fun and cool. The youth will be more inclined to experiment with cannabis. Cannabis is a lot more addictive when it is taken before the age of 21. With cannabis being more redly available, people hoping to corrupt our youth will be able purchase marijuana. This will cause more hospitalizations and more kids ruining their lives without even knowing it. A student on marijuana can become unpredictable and try even stronger drugs. Cannabis isn’t usually associated with being a gate-way drug but with certain circumstances it can happen. Contrary to popular belief, marijuana is not a cure for depression. Smoking weed can not make everything better. It may make you feel better but all it is is a chemically induced sense of bliss. Your happiness only lasts as long as the is effect of the THC within the marijuana. People can become dependent on the marijuana and even addicted. After every dose of it, the person in question will need more to feel the same kind of bliss from the first hit. It’s a viscous

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