Persuasive Letter To Holy Spirit

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Dear. Garam.
Hello, 18 year-old Garam. I guess you might get lots of stress to think about your future. Also, you might afraid that you don’t know exactly what you want to do, and what your calling is. However, I know you want to do something for God. Even though you don’t know what something is for now, I believe that what you are doing at the place where you are now like to study, exercise, and have a relationship with friends and neighbors is all can be the something.
Some people think vocation as huge things to do like a mission work in other country, preaching God’s message, or success in own business. They believe that a job is their vocation. So, they have a struggle when they get stress from their work, and start to doubt their vocation …show more content…

Also, Holy Spirit connects between you and God because Holy Spirit is “the bond by which Christ effectually unites us to him/herself” (Calvin, III,1,1). Furthermore, Holy Spirit “makes [you] fruitful to bring forth the buds of righteousness” (Calvin, III,1.3). Since we are sinful nature, we cannot fully join God’s work. However, we are justified in Jesus Christ only by God’s grace, and we are invited to participate God’s mission through the Holy Spirit.
Garam, don’t have too much stress about your work and vocation. You are not alone. Holy Spirit is in your life. Moreover, whatever you do, you have a calling in your life. You “are called to be partners in God’s mission in the world” (Migliore, …show more content…

All three, justification, sanctification and vocation cannot be separated each other. Although we are sinners, we can response and participate in God’s calling because we are justified by God. God’s love toward us is big enough to cover our sin. God justified us no matter what we did only by God’s grace. If God loves us and justifies and elected us no matter what, why do we matter how we live? According to Margit Ernst-Habib, election is not individual, but communal (Ernst-Habib, 89). Andrew Sung Park also criticizes the individual justification without considering the relation among the people. When we only think about individual election or justification, we are easy to forget what I did in community, and think only ourselves to be justified and elected. To respond God’s grace, God elects and justifies us, is that we live together with others by loving each other. Furthermore, “we are accepted by God and receive the Holy Spirit, who renews our hearts while equipping and calling us to good works” through justification (JDDJ, Par.15). The Joint Declaration on the Doctrine of Justification says that we are not done after being accepted and forgiven our sins by God. After that, we are also called to good works. To do good works by responding God’s calling can categorize in the doctrine of sanctification. Many theologians introduce different ways of good works by God’s

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