Persuasive Essay: The School Day Should Not Be Extended

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The School Day Should Not be Extended The brain is one of the most important organs in the human body.The brain controlles breathing, heartbeat and many other jobs that the human body requires to survive. Recently, research has been discovered stating that the teenage brain is not fully develpoed or matured until the age of twenty or higher. With that information present Barack Obama thinks that extending the school day will benifit the U.S. student. Current research proves that extending the school day will not improve test results among students. Therefore even if the teenage brain is not fully developed, lenghtening the school day will not better test scores. Some people like Barack Obama argue that U.S. students are farther behind …show more content…

Julie Carr Smyth states "summer breaks, they say, are needed to provide an academic respite for respite Huffpost states students' overwrought minds, and to provide time with family and the flexibility to travel and study favorite subjects in more depth" ( What this quote is saying, is that summer vacation is not only to get away from school, but it gives pupils the chance to make family memories. Plus, not everyone from the U.S. are just American, they have their cultural backgrounds and family they would like to visit, but with the school day or year being extended, it does not offer kids a chance to explore their nationality. In conclusion the school day should not be extended because children need their well deserved vacation. Some people may argue that having a longer school day will make test scores higher but research indicates otherwise. The school day or year should not be extended because extending the day will not help students learn better. Also, U.S. taxpayers have to pay for the extension of the school day. Finally, kids will not have enough family time or time to discover new passions. Now that this information has been presented, what is the peoples take on the

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