Persuasive Essay: Why School Should Start Later

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Why School Should Start Later Introduction Attention Material: In public schools all over the country, 80% of them start earlier than 8:30 a.m. In teens under 18, 60% of them complain of being tired all throughout the day. 15% of those students say they fell asleep during the year. Tie to Audience: How many of you when you come to school you are still very tired and feel half asleep? Do you ever feel too tired you feel like you can't even learn anything this early in the day? I know I have. So have other people all over the country. Credibility Material: I’ve been interested in this topic because I believe that teens have little time and sleep because of school and I’ve done a lot of research over this topic. Thesis: School starting later …show more content…

Sleep Deprivation consequently causes drowsy driving which causes accidents. Depression, poor impulse control, poor social behavior, and just lower performance levels overall, are other results as well. According to an article in The Atlantic based on a study shown, many students bordered on “pathological sleep”, which is a neurological disorder based on excessive or no sleep. Main Point #2: Secondly, According to the Choices article on Scholastic , it is a biological necessity for teens to have more sleep, for their internal health. Based on the article on The National Sleep Foundation, when it's time for school the average teen body still thinks it's the middle of the night. Teens spend most of their day at school but are unable to fulfill their learning opportunities because of little or no sleep. The website The Atlantic says teens gave these “internal clocks”, the circadian rhythm controls a human's stimuli and determines their sleep patterns. The patterns varies within age groups. During the night is when the body's sleep hormone occurs. This all happens during puberty, making it difficult for teens to fall asleep before 11:00 pm. and be up before 8:00

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