Persuasive Essay: Should Children Use Competitive Sports?

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Some think that competitive sports are something that needs to be stopped. They think that competitive sports should be banned and think that it is bad for children to play. Research shows however that competitive sports are actually ok to play. There are many reasons why they are appropriate and I will be listing 3 reasons to prove that. Competitive sports are all right to play because you will become smarter, you are able to learn how to play on a team, and you will become fitter.

One reason that competitive sports are alright to play is because your academic grades will most likely go up. In other words, you will become smarter. Research shows that children that play sports are 41% more likely to graduate college. Graduating college is something that most people have as a goal in life. By playing competitive sports as a child you will have a greater chance of hitting that goal. This shows that even though sometimes competitive sports aren’t good to play they will help you in ways you wouldn’t believe. (Women's Sports Foundation 2009.) …show more content…

People might think that when you play on a team you become a bad sport when you lose. But, research shows that: “children who play on a competitive sports team learn how to accept criticism, how to handle oneself under the pressure or competition, how to work hard toward a goal, how to win and lose graciously.” This is important because children will do well in school and many other activities because they will be able to work well with other children and adults. This shows that competitive sports are good for children to play, and should be taught starting at a young age so they will have all the skills they need for the future. (Teacher

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