Persuasive Essay: Pet Abandonment Is A Big Problem?

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Have you ever had something that you wanted to change in the world but you never had the courage to do so? Pet abandonment is a prime example of a big issue in the world that needs to be addressed. With hope, teens have risen to this issue and helped hugely. There are good things like how shelters help, how volunteers help, and how we can prevent this horrible issue, but there are also downsides to this, like animals being abused and neglected, as this is how the issue happens. “The majority of our dogs that we find are generally roaming or abandoned and often we get a lot of dogs who are surrendered by their owners who can no longer take care of them.” Says Animal Control Officer Vaughan Oliver. Pet abandonment is an issue that needs volunteers Did you ever realize that people who volunteer at animal shelters or other places, that they are not even asked to come and help, they don’t have certain times to go in and help, they do it in their own free time and generosity. Faye Carey, a 16 year old volunteers at an animal shelter every friday in her free time. She even says it’s hard to volunteer, with all her schools work and chores, but it is what she loves so she still does it in her free time instead of staring at her phone like many other teens her age. Also many of these people who volunteer don’t do it because they got in trouble and have to volunteer, they do it because they want to help out the animal shelters and make the world a better place to live. Volunteer doesn't mean work or having a job, the people that volunteer get no money for what their doing at the shelters, again they do it out of generosity. The people that help love doing it because it gives them a feeling of achievement and they feel that they are making a change by helping the animals and get the word out about pet abandonment. For example a girl named Deborah Butcher, helps out with a charity for helping pets, and the charity has 3 different shelters and 400 different volunteers. When it says that there are 400 volunteers that means that means there is 400 people that want to help, not that have

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