Persuasive Essay On Why School Should Start Later

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Do you ever wonder why you are so tired? Or maybe why your grades suffer even if you are trying your best? If so, then you might not get enough sleep. Maybe it’s because you are always up until 10:00 P.M. or later studying for that big exam you have in three days. Perhaps it’s because you have to wake up at 5:30 A.M. every day, just to get to school on time. Getting enough sleep every night has many benefits, and most schools in America are taking that privilege away from you. In the U.S., too many teens are sleep deprived. In fact, 85% of middle and high school students don’t get enough sleep. The average teenager needs at least nine hours and at most eleven hours of sleep each night. Most teens only get seven hours per night, and a study …show more content…

Teens who sleep the required amount every night are less likely to have severe acne. A study showed that for every hour of sleep someone loses, stress increases by 14%. The more stress someone has, the more acne they get. Getting enough sleep will also help with moodiness. When a student gets more sleep, they will, obviously, be less tired. Usually when people are well-rested, they are more alert and happy. Sleeping also helps with memory. When someone doesn’t get enough sleep, they tend to forget things such as important dates or names. On the other hand, when someone sleeps for too long, over twelve hours, they forget a lot of things, like what they did that day or the day before. Thankfully, it is temporary, but it is not very helpful if there is a big test that day. Everyone has a natural timing system in their bodies. This system tells you when to go to bed or when to wake up. Sometimes this timing system can be thrown off by staying up late or waking up too early. Most of the growing process happens while a teen is sleeping, because hormones are released and the bones can grow easily while they are rested. Lack of sleep can stunt growth and can harm the the growing part of puberty. One night or week of of bad sleep will not affect growth, but when it becomes a habit to get poor sleep, it will affect a teen’s

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