Persuasive Essay On Why Kids Get A Trophy

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When you look at those trophies sitting in your room on your shelf, do you really feel that you deserved all of them? Many kids get trophies all the time and some can even be earned by just showing up. If you are just showing up you really aren’t working hard. This is a big controversy for kids who plays sports right now. Let's be real, not everyone deserves a trophy. Do you really think you earn every trophy you get? First of all, if everyone gets a trophy there isn't a game going on, you have to learn how to lose, it’s an important life lesson, and you have to really earn a trophy or it takes away the point of the game If you always get a trophy is there really a game going on? When each team gets a trophy there really isn’t a loser …show more content…

I understand the feeling of always wanting to win, sometimes I feel it myself, but we also have to take in the understanding of losing. “Kids respond positively to praise; they enjoy hearing that they’re talented, smart and so on. But after such praise of their innate abilities, they collapse at the first experience of difficulty. Demoralized by their failure, they say they’d rather cheat than risk failing again.” (Merryman) It can be hard to lose or be criticized for not doing a good job at something but if you’re always getting a pat on the back even when you aren’t doing a good job, what do we have to strive for? Kids who work hard learn a good work ethic and that their hard work pays off. It makes the reward that much better when you know you earned it. Adding on to that, if you take the easy way out and don’t put the hard work into sports or anything that you do, you have to be prepared to face failure. Being able to lose and show that you are going to try harder next time is a fantastic characteristic to have as a kid. All in all, you shouldn't be down on yourself if you lose, because it will happen many times in life and you just have to learn how to accept it, learn from it, and get back out there and try harder the next

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