Persuasive Essay On The Daily Mile

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To Walk, or Not to Walk: That is the question.
The Daily Mile? Have you heard of it? Probably not. Take an educated guess. Ok, I’ll tell you then. Encouraging children to keep fit - that’s all I’m going to tell you, for now. But what I will tell you, is that it is necessary. It needs to be introduced. And, in my view, it should be compulsory!
So, you are probably wondering what on earth it is? Well, The Daily Mile Foundation is a charity organisation which encourages school children to participate in free fitness and provides teachers with an information pack and support to get started. The Daily Mile is any type of physical activity such as running, jogging, skipping or playing games undertaken outside in the fresh air for 15 minutes every …show more content…

I’m sure most children would rather eat a box of doughnuts and watch the magical box in the lounge or tap away at the tablet with their sticky fingers. The Daily Mile encourages children to lead a healthy lifestyle, not only at school, but at home as well. Unhealthy lifestyles are an ever-increasing problem in the UK as shown by a recent study carried out by Fit For Sport Ltd. in 2015. This study looked at the health of 10,000 children currently in primary education and uncovered the staggering fact that almost 70% of them couldn’t even do basic fitness (the expected fitness levels for their age).1 Did your jaw just drop like mine? That’s why The Daily Mile is vital in decreasing health risks, as it is a fun way for children to interact with their teachers and friends in a relaxed setting.2 Also, school lessons become more active rather than sitting on your bottom in a boring classroom for hours on end. Currently over 3,000 schools take part worldwide with over 1,000 of these schools in Scotland alone, roughly 750 in England, 720 in Belgium and many more globally.3 This is already a great level of participation however, even more schools need to join to make an even bigger impact on children’s health …show more content…

The UK Government guidelines recommend that all children should have at least 60 minutes of exercise a day, 30 minutes of which should be in school. The Daily Mile would cover half of the requirements in school, with the rest being made up during breaks/lunchtimes.4 Children’s long-term health would be improved as they grow older, with obesity becoming an increasing problem in the UK. A healthy diet would decrease the chance of getting over 10 types of cancer, type 2 diabetes and any heart conditions. Source(obesity) The Scottish Health Survey shows that in 2016, just under 30% of children in Scotland aged 2 - 15 were classified as being at risk of being overweight and/or obese.5 At this early stage in life, children need to be encouraged to lead a healthy lifestyle. If health risks are reduced, the strain on the NHS in the future will also be reduced. As The Daily Mile takes place within school grounds, there is no need for lengthy health and safety risk assessments. Many teachers use The Daily Mile as part of the curriculum, for example, using arithmetic skills to calculate the distance children have run. It has been proven to help children focus in class as they get a break from normal classes and there have also been signs of children performing better throughout their school career. My favourite benefit is that there is no cost at all. What could be better than it being absolutely

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