Persuasive Essay On Syrian Refugees

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Antonio Guterres, the current Secretary-General of United Nations, stated that “ Refugees are not terrorists.They are often the first victims of terrorism” mainly referring to the Syrian refugees that have fled from ISIS and its atrocities in seeking towards a new beginning.Since the Syrian civil war started in 2011, thousands have died and been wounded including innocent children and women. As a result of this bloody war, the merciless terrorists group ISIS has been able to seize of many Syrian cities and perpetrated dozen of mass massacre within the civil population who refused to follow them causing that 45% Syrian population have been displaced and opted to seek refuge in neighborhoods countries. In Fact, according to the latest UN census …show more content…

government reluctantly has accepted to open its door to only 18,000 Syrian refugees through the last years. As a result, several countries have criticized the lack of interest that U.S.has in helping to relieve the Syrian refugees crisis which is creating chaos in Europe and in the Middle East region since these countries have felt overwhelmed of the immense number of refugees trying to cross their borders illegally in order to flee from the war and from ISIS. Although the Obama Administration had pledged to harbor a larger number of refugees in order to alleviate the pressure of our allies in Europe, the Trump’s administration has passed several bills banning future refugees from entry. Therefore, the U.S. has failed with its moral obligation to welcome refugees, protect the human right, and provide a safety place for the victims of tyranny and …show more content…

has pledged to protect and defend the human rights every time these are violated by any government. And Syrian people is a clear example of the violation of human rights since they have lived under a bloody dictatorship for over 40 years headed by the Al- Assad family. Even worse, since the beginning of the Syrian civil war the Assad regimen have dared to use chemical weapons against his own people in order to suppress the anti-government marches and the rebels who are trying to overthrow him. In fact, the first of these chemical attacks occurred in 2013 leaving hundreds of dead among the civil people while the most recent attack took place in the remoted city of Idlib in April 2017 and it killed about 67 innocent civilians.Therefore,the U.S. as the greatest advocate of human rights has failed with its moral obligation to protect the Syrian people from the atrocities of their government, not to mention the multiple massacres perpetrated by the terrorist group ISIS. With this in mind, the new administration needs to ponder about the catastrophics consequences of passing more bills banning Syrian

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