Persuasive Essay On Self Driving Cars

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Moving forward in technological advances has become our defining trait as humans living in the modern era. Self driving cars are just one of the inevitable advancements to moving into the world of tomorrow. As it stands, self driving cars are still being developed and do require improvements to compete with human drivers. However, with technological advances, self driving cars would far surpass human drivers in safety and efficiency. We humans are imperfect creatures, we make mistakes, are emotional, and get easily distracted. Traits that make us dangerous on the road. According to Association for Safe International Road Travel “Nearly 1.3 million people die in road crashes each year, on average 3,287 deaths a day”. Considering that US Department of Transportation states that 90% of automobile accidents in the US are caused by driver error, it's safe to say that a majority of those deaths were user error. Of course computers don't have the same flaws as human drivers. They can't feel tired, get drunk, distracted, or succumb to road rage. With the advent of better AI and motion tracking, computers are already better drivers than we can ever be. …show more content…

Self driving cars avoid most causes of traffic jams. They drive a safe distance from others which prevents ‘phantom’ jams (traffic jams that are caused by cars slowing down too close to each other) and traffic accidents caused by tailgating. If every car on the road was self driving, we would no longer need stop signs or red lights. Stop signs and traffic lights are tools needed for drivers to communicate with other drivers, but they aren’t very efficient. With every car on the road being connected with one another, autonomous cars will signal each other their directions and avoid each other’s

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