Persuasive Essay On Self Driving Cars

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The self driving car brand s like tesla are working hard every day to make the best and safest self driving cars.the industries have been working on all the possible scenarios like being stuck in traffic and a deer running across the road at night. And of course the government has to get into it and say that it is a bad idea. Car industry think that these cars are going to make the roads a safer place to be but other people do not think the same they think that having ai technology do the task of driving will take many lives and don't go thinking these cars are going to be the same price as any other everyday car. The new tesla model s runs for the very high price tag of 120.000 dollars this car is something that only the rich can afford …show more content…

A few people even died making these cars. And they even back then was not a cheap idea. The good things about self driving cars is that they are mostly electric so that means that it is a lot cheaper to run them. But the thing is that it is still not preserving natural resources because you need oil to make electricity. The thing it will do is cut down on the smog amount in all the major cities and then global warming will decrease. Most of the car brands are putting these little sensors on top of their cars so it has a 360 view of things but the car brand BMW is not doing this. Why you ask well we do not know yet. All that we can assume is that Bmw is completely covering there cars with smaller sensors to make the car look a little better but no one knows except BMW of corse The potential for these cars are amazing but we do not know if the self driving car industry will really take off. This is only because of the price of the cars. But the higher income that a lot of americans are getting may help them be able to afford these luxury cars. The thing that will get most americans is the fact that they will not have to drive any

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