Persuasive Essay On Self Driving Cars

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The future is approaching, in the form of a car. Cars are a part of our everyday lives. Death by vehicles have skyrocketed ever since the introduction of cars. This is due to human errors that occur when operating vehicles. Self-driving cars have the ability to drastically decrease the amount of deaths and injuries caused by human errors. This technological invention is more efficient than its traditional counterpart. It requires little to no assistance from humans to operate, it’s fully capable of handling itself. Despite the advantages that come with self-driving cars, many are opposed to the idea of letting a machine doing whatever it wants. Are self-driving cars beneficial to humans overall? Self-driving cars will be able to correct the errors that humans make and provide safety on the streets of America. As much as 95% fatal vehicular accidents in America are caused by human error. On average, more than 32,000 people die from these accidents each year and 2.5 million are injured. Technology such as radars and cameras being developed for self-driving cars will be able to decrease these casualties to make the road safer. These devices give the cars “awareness”, the cars will know about things around them to make smart decisions on what to do when self-driving. …show more content…

The new generation of adults aren’t driving as much as the old generations. Many of these young adults don’t even get their license. Despite causing the death of thousands every year, traditional cars are tolerated because of the usefulness and the comfort of being able to go wherever, whenever. Self-driving cars are even more efficient in this aspect. Instead of focusing on the road, people have time to do other tasks while in the car because the car does the focusing for them. Young people will even be able to use their smartphones while travelling. These conditions are perfect for the self-driving car to

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