Persuasive Essay On Proposition 47

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Furthermore, the proposition states many beneficial outcomes due to it being passed but never do they address any negative outcomes due to it. All of this is done with the right use of word which appeals to the reader’s emotions causing one to vote with their feelings and not their knowledge. What is being stated in the proposition are only things to sway a voter into voting for it. For instance, it talks about how with the money being saved from having fewer inmates in prison will be redirected towards bettering higher education by purchasing learning devices, books, and other material. With this being said, it is obvious that the intended voters are parents of adolescents. The reason being is that parents are the most vulnerable in this …show more content…

In addition, proposition 47 has already begun its everlasting effects in society. Crimes of these committed crimes can leave a traumatizing effect on the victims. There are thousands of cases that would have been prosecuted by Los Angeles County Dist. Attorney, Jackie Lacey, as felonies, but due to prop 47, they became misdemeanors. The people think that some may agree while others may not. California General Election states, “PROPOSITION 47 IS SUPPORTED BY LAW ENFORCEMENT, CRIME VICTIMS AND TEACHERS. We in the law enforcement community have come together in support of Proposition 47 because it will improve public safety. Reduce prison spending and government waste. Dedicate hundreds of millions of dollars to K–12 schools, crime victim assistance, mental health treatment and drug treatment. Proposition 47 is sensible. It focuses law enforcement dollars on violent and serious crime while providing new funding for education and crime prevention programs that will make us all safer.” As you can see, the ones who would likely to be in favor are teachers and law enforcement. The reason why is because the money for prison will be redirected towards education which will provide for more materials to learn. There are many public schools that can use the

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